Waterlife Tier One Volunteer agreement
Thank you for considering becoming volunteer at Waterlife! Our volunteers are absolutely crucial to the success of our mission. Your role is important and will impact people’s lives therefore we ask volunteers to agree with the following guidelines.
- I desire to serve God by faithfully using the gifts He has given me, to the best of my ability.
- I will strive to be on time and have a good attitude every time I serve.
- I agree to be accountable to my volunteer and staff supervisors for how I carry out my role.
- I support the mission, values and direction of Waterlife Church.
Our mission: To lead people into a knowing, growing, and going relationship with Jesus.
Our core values:
- Jesus: Jesus drives our direction and decisions.
- Simplicity: We will never minimize what Jesus maximizes (we want to focus on the main mission instead of letting other things side track us).
- Service: We will serve God by serving others.
- Generosity: Jesus’s generosity toward us will generate generosity in us.
- Excellence: Excellence honors God, and God honors excellence.
- Faith: A step of faith is always a step in the right direction.
- Grace and Acceptance: We will receive all people in love and treat them with grace.
Our Direction: Our mission and our values drive our direction. Therefore, we ask that our volunteers be on board with the direction of the church.
- This means attending church regularly, helping to financially support our mission and being verbally supportive of the church.
- If you do not agree with the direction or decisions of the church, please bring that up with the staff. Please do not discuss negative opinions with the people you serve with.
A different understanding or disagreement with our beliefs does not necessarily disqualify you from serving but if you disagree or need clarification please address it with us and we’ll talk about it together.