Connecting People
If you want to grow in your relationship with Jesus, you need to have intentional relationships with people who have the same goal. A life Group is the ideal place for that.
Check out our open groups and sign up at the bottom of this page!
Large Group (20+ people)
“Lanes” Discipleship Study
This group will meet at the church every Sunday for 8 weeks at 6pm, starting on Sunday, January 5th. In this study, Pastor Todd will discuss specific lanes that God has given us, what it takes to follow them, and how they always lead us to good places!
Small Groups (10-20 people)
Adam & Vee’s group
This group meets on Wednesday’s at 6:30 pm at Waterlife. Participants are all raising young kids. The focus is on raising godly children. Newcomers are welcome.
Young Adults group.
Tuesdays at 7:00 pm at Waterlife. Childcare is available.
Bible study and activities for 18-30 year olds led by Lauren Robertson.
Wednesday Women’s group
Wednesday’s at 6:30 at Waterlife. Childcare is provided.
Open to all women for a great Bible study and deep community. Led by Kelly Pursel.
Kent & Belinda’s group.
Wednesday’s at 6:30 at Waterlife. Childcare is available.
This mixed group of friends is always welcoming new people. They are studying the sermon series.
Tuesday Retiree’s group.
Tuesdays at 10:30 am at Waterlife.
This group of retirees is consistent and likes to do a variety of studies and social outings.
Men’s Breakfast group.
Tuesday’s at 7:00 am at Southern Crossroads Restaurant in Lenoir. This group does a men’s devotion, eats breakfast and spends time in prayer all in 1 hour!
Women of Waterlife Thursday Daytime
Thursdays at 10:00 am at Waterlife.
Jeanette and Helga lead this group of ladies who will be studying the book of Joshua.
Rich & Yvonna’s group
This mixed group meets on Wednesday’s at 6:00 pm and then attends the Waterlife Bible study together at 7:00 pm.
Reggie & Fran’s Sunday group
Sunday’s at 6:00 pm at Waterlife.
This mixed group will be studying small group questions based on the previous Sunday’s sermon.
Mom’s and teen daughters group.
Sunday’s at 6:30 pm at Waterlife.
This group of Mom’s and teen daughters meets weekly to study, eat and learn together. They will be studying “The Gospel on the ground”. Teen girls bible study on the “Grit and Glory of the early church in Acts.”
The Coves group.
Tuesdays at 1:30 at the Lodge in The Coves.
This is a mixed group lead by Bill, Barb & Daniel for residents of the coves. They will be studying “The Story”. A 31 week study through the Bible.
Monthly Large Groups
“Man Camp” (monthly)
Large group “Man Camp” is on the 3rd Sunday of every month at 5:00. All men are welcome. We’ll have food, a speaker with relevant and practical topics, then talk around our tables to get to know each other better.
Sign up by filling out the form below. After you sign up, we will follow up with further details.