In this series, we will learn 5 key truths for difficult times that make a difference in our lives and help us make a difference in the world around us. Today, we learn from Esther what true beauty actually is, and how it it doesn't fail or fade.
For Such A Time As This: "God's at Work"
In this series, we will learn 5 key truths for difficult times that make a difference in our lives and help us make a difference in the world around us. Today, we learn how God's silence doesn't mean He is absent- God is always at work, and He is working it out for our good.
Lighten Up
Jesus called us to carry our cross but not our sins. He called us to carry a global mission but not to carry the weight of the world on our shoulders. In an era of heaviness how can we apply His words “my yoke is easy, and my burden is light”? Let's learn how to “lighten up.”
"Be Bold" part 7 "Show It"
We wrap up the Be Bold series by looking at the one thing that is at the core of following Jesus and being bold. That one thing is living a life of love toward those around us. A life lived loving others is a life that always makes a bold impact!
"Be Bold" part 6 "Step Up"
In this message we learn about the importance of stepping up to follow God's lead. At times stepping up can be confusing and intimidating, but when we do great things happen!
"Be Bold" part 5 "Share It"
In this message we learn how the early followers of Jesus shared what they had to meet needs and to carry out the mission. Like those early followers, Jesus has equipped and blessed us to do the same!
Be Bold, Stand Up
Following Jesus means making the decision that Jesus is first above all else. This key issue is easy to understand but not always easy to live out. In this message we will learn from the life of Peter about the "power of priority" when it comes to being bold for Jesus.
Be Bold, Speak Up
In this message we will learn from Peter's sermon in Acts 3-4 how to speak truth in love. Being bold by speaking up is something God calls us all to do and is needed in our lives, family, and community.
Be Bold, Step Out
Taking steps of faith can be intimidating but they also lead to amazing things! In this message, we will look at how to be bold and step out in faith with confidence. When we step out God does amazing things in & through us.
Be Bold Part One
In this message we begin a new series on the book of Acts, that focuses on our calling to live boldly for Jesus. We will learn what being bold is, why it is important, and how to live it!
Know Where You Are Going
Jesus commissioned and empowered his followers to GO near and far and teach others the way of life that He had shown them. As His followers, we are included in that “sending”. In order to GO, it helps to know who we are and where exactly we are going.
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"Way Truth Life" Part 3 "The Life"
In this message we wrap up our "Way, Truth, Life" series by looking at Jesus' promise that He gives true life to all who come to Him. We will learn what this life is like and the amazing difference it makes day to day!
"Way Truth Life" Part 2 "Truth You Can Trust"
Truth is important in every area of life. Trying to discern what is actually the truth can be challenging in our culture. Today we will discuss the confidence we can have when we know Jesus is the ultimate Truth. When we embrace His Truth it truly sets us free!
Way, Truth, Life part 1
We begin our Easter series based on the 3 words Jesus used to describe Himself. In this series, we will learn what these 3 powerful words mean to our lives and the difference they make!
Spring Training
Do you feel out of shape? Due to the pandemic, most of us had more screen time
and less active and “people time”. No wonder we feel out of shape! In today’s
message we’ll learn that the principles to get in better shape physically are the
same for ourspiritual health. Let’s do some spring training together because this
next season is going to be “game on!”
Marriage Matters part 5 "Put God First"
We wrap up the series by looking at what it means on a practical level to put God first. We will learn that putting God first is the most important thing we can do to have a great marriage!
Marriage Matters part 4, Practice Your Promise
We enter into marriage by making promises to our spouse called "vows." Having the best marriage that goes the distance means keeping those vows. In this message we will learn what it looks like to "practice our promise."
"Marriage Matters" Part 3
What is marriage without a little fun? In this message we will learn how to be intentional about having serious fun in 3 simple ways that make a big difference in the quality of our marriage!
Marriage Matters Part 2, Love & Respect
A better marriage means making better investments. Consistently, investing in God's definition of love makes an incredible difference in marriage. Today, we will learn what that looks like and find some key ways we can invest in a "love that works!"
Marriage Matters Part 1
The truth is, we all want a great marriage, but every marriage has its successes and its challenges. The good news is that when we apply God's principles, they help bring His best to our marriage! Today, we will start learning about 4 things we can invest in to experience a better marriage.