Lighten Up

Jesus called us to carry our cross but not our sins. He called us to carry a global mission but not to carry the weight of the world on our shoulders. In an era of heaviness how can we apply His words “my yoke is easy, and my burden is light”? Let's learn how to “lighten up.”

Know Where You Are Going

Jesus commissioned and empowered his followers to GO near and far and teach others the way of life that He had shown them. As His followers, we are included in that “sending”. In order to GO, it helps to know who we are and where exactly we are going.

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Spring Training

Do you feel out of shape? Due to the pandemic, most of us had more screen time

and less active and “people time”. No wonder we feel out of shape! In today’s

message we’ll learn that the principles to get in better shape physically are the

same for ourspiritual health. Let’s do some spring training together because this

next season is going to be “game on!”